About Us

Institute for Entrepreneurship Sustainable Development and innovation

IESDI is a non-profit organization supporting the development of the applied research and innovative technologies geared towards achieving higher growth and competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy.

The Institute seeks to develop and strengthen the relationships between academia and the business; encouraging and promoting the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Activities of IESDI

The Institute for Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and Innovation assists you in the fields

Research and Analysis

IESDI explores Nature and man, its historical, architectural and cultural achievements, the methods of using the achievements of the human and natural genius by encouraging the responsible and sustainable use for the sake of the future generations.

Education and Training

IESDI provides education and training for various groups of people (local communities, interest groups, SMEs, etc.), using advanced training methods and technologies and assists them in the implementation and utilization of information systems, methodological developments, the use of good practices related to information and communication technologies and digital transformation of the business, sustainable development and green economy.

New Technologies

IESDI support national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations, businesses and public authorities in the process of implementation of policies and strategies related to the deployment of new technologies.


Institute for entrepreneurship sustainable development and innovation (ESDI) is an association of Bulgarian lawyers, economists, political scientists, ecologists and engineers in information and communication technologies. They all are members on a personal basis and contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the organization.

The Mission of Institute ESDI is to contribute to the transformation of Bulgaria into modern European country, economically developed and civil-oriented, based on the principles of shared social responsibility and sustainable development.


The objectives of Institute ESDI is to support, promote, represent and protect the common interests of the different regions in Bulgaria, to develop strategies and assist SMEs, aimed at the developing entrepreneurship and innovation; to develop projects and implement good practices in the field of regional development, social integration, preservation of cultural heritage and biodiversity.

With its activities, the Institute supports economic development and social cohesion in regions of the country and in Europe; helps to overcome the inner obstacles between people in the communities; promotes employment through increased competence; contribute to the development and implementation of policies in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation; restores, preserves and promotes the cultural and historical heritage and biodiversity for sustainable development and welfare of the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Do you have questions or need assistance?

Contact us with the quick contact button. Our team will answer you as soon as possible.


16A, Patriarh Evtimiy Blvd.
1142 Sofia, Bulgaria

+359 877 838 177
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IESDI Burgas

Burgas 8000,
"Tzar Samuil" Str. 11, et.1

+359 884 545 400
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