Second meeting about project Discover

The second meeting for the Discover Project, of which IESDI is a partner took place in Italy, Giulianova, at the Hotel Europa, on June 13 and 14, 2024.

The Discover project focuses on one central theme: the Renewable Energy Community (CER), considered a fundamental strategy for decarbonization and the energy transition. The CER represents an innovative model that allows citizens to take an active role in energy production and consumption from renewable sources, promoting environmental sustainability, energy independence, and local economic development.

The meeting will see the participation of partners from Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, and France, who will come together to discuss the project's progress.

It will present an important opportunity to confront European and national initiatives and services dedicated to supporting CER, to share mature experiences in various partner countries, and to define the future strategy for stakeholder involvement at the local level. Participants will also try to confront their so-called “sister projects”, similar projects to establish connections and synergies beneficial to the project's success.

More information is available on the official project website


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