First informational event - “Decarbonization” in Dryanovo
The first informational event – "Decarbonization" was held on June 27, 2022, at 5 p.m. at the Centaur Boutique Hotel in Dryanovo. It was part of an information campaign focused on the three axes of the transition to the green economy – Decarbonization, Decentralization and Digitalization, in implementation of the project "Active Citizens for Energy Independent Communities", which is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area -
The event was attended by the Mayor of Dryanovo Municipality - Trifon Panchev, Deputy Mayor Angel Angelov, the project manager - Mrs. Ralitsa Marinova, the Chairperson of the Association of Bulgarian Cities and Regions /ABGR/, which is the leading organization of the project - Mr. Ergin Emin and the representatives of the partner organizations - Mrs. Tsveta Dimitrova - Program Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and Innovation /IESDI/, Mr.Ivan Hinovski - Chairman of the Bulgarian Energy and Mining Forum /BEMF/, citizens, representatives of business, administration, LAG and NGOs.
The event included a presentation of the results of a survey, assessing the readiness of citizens to participate in the green transition, the opportunities for creating energy communities in Bulgaria and the procedures for the preparation and implementation of renewable energy projects, in accordance with Bulgarian regulatory documents.
The participants had the opportunity to discuss the issues they were interested in and to share their intentions and hurdles in the transition to renewable energy.
In Dryanovo, the only business with already installed renewable energy capacity is the wagon plant "Intercom" AD, which has 60 kW on the roof of one of its buildings and is prepared for commissioning another 20 kW, all for its own needs.
During the event, as well as from the survey of the project, it became clear that the factors which can influence the decision to use renewable energy sources in households in Dryanovo are, first of all, the availability of sufficient personal funds for investment and the desire for energy independence and environmental protection.
Another result obtained from the study and confirmed by the participants of the event is that the majority of the residents of Dryanovo have a positive attitude towards the use of renewable energy sources and would like to receive more information about the opportunities for switching to green energy.
The event ended with many fruitful informal discussions and networking between the attendees.